Friday, August 5, 2011

So, now that you're here....

Thank you for visiting my blog! 

Be sure to check back often, comment, provide feedback, and of course provide criticism of my opinions.  Challenging my point of view is the best way for me sharpen my beliefs or maybe even change course (highly unlikely).  As much as this blog will post personal thoughts, ideas, and opinions of my creation, I'd also like to dedicate this blog to interesting things and events  that are going on out there too: locally/nationally, philanthropic/local business oriented, activist/laid back, political/comical (most times a distinction without a difference), funny/serious, and seriously funny.  If you have something you'd like to promote or an article/human interest piece/event you'd like to make people aware of, let me know.  I don't charge too much for my promotional fees (free entry, a Mexican beer, and 2/3rds the proceeds usually suffice).   Am I not merciful!

If I don't agree with your comments, expect a response.  If you don't like me as a result of this blog, Tony Montana (who also influenced the title of this blog) wants to let you know how it is, who put this blog together, and who it is that I trust to be a good steward of my own worldly opinions: 

Why is this blog being created?  Well, I have idle time on my hands after having just graduated from law school and completing the Missouri bar exam.  I often find myself wanting to comment on so many things I see going on out there on the evening news, the internet, newspapers, from talking to people, or while enjoying a beer from the front porch.  A blog seems the best medium to lay bare my thoughts pre-emptively, in an uncensored way, and outside of the 140 character limitation many have willingly chosen to confine themselves to.  I will use this blog personally as a way of developing my creative and journalistic writing skills while discussing topics of interest to me and hopefully to you too. 

What's my niche?  I'm a young Latino born in the heart of Kansas City, Kansas' predominately Latino Barrio of Argentine.  Somehow, despite the many temptations to veer off course, let circumstances dictate my actions, or fall through the cracks, I've managed to navigate my life towards something I'm on the cusp of being proud of.  I am still struggling to find out what and where I want to be when I grow up.  I'm still striving to live the American Dream on that path blazed by those who came before me, and I'm still hoping to make my small mark on the world while seeking ultimate self-fulfillment in the process.  Those of you who know me well know that I am not short on opinions, ramble at times, but can and have held my own intellectually with everyone I've encountered thus far.  I am an emotional introvert seeking extroversion, more of a mama's boy than not, and to sum it up: I became a gentle nerd from a rough barrio, and there's no going back now.  

Lastly, it has been said that experience is a great teacher.  On that measure, I can say I have learned a lot during my time on this wonderful world, wish I were ignorant of many of these life lessons, and in a small way this blog will also serve as my written therapy to shout my joyous, painful, and personal thoughts to you.  Here's to one more attempt at finding my voice! 
I'm grateful if you have gotten this far!  Sit back, hold tight, and lets learn about each other and maybe, just maybe, if we're lucky, we'll even learn a little something about ourselves! Ha! 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome I agree with your friend that I could just hear you saying these words. I like how you express yourself in writing. I guess law school has made you an even more eloquent writer. Looking forward to reading more. :)
